Important News

AthleticLabs is now in phase 4 testing of our patent-pending LAB-BAND™ and LAB-SLEEVE™ procedures! We hope to make these options available to your labrador soon!

Calling all Labs

Does your lab want to look better? Feel better? Does your lab want more energy? Is your lab willing to change its lifestyle for the better?

Introducing Labosuction™ A revolutionary procedure designed specifically for your labrador retriever.

What is Labosuction?

Labosuction™, also known as laboplasty, slims and reshapes specific areas of the canine body by removing excess fat deposits, improving canine contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing labrador self-image.

Is it safe?

Yes. However, the most common complication of Labosuction™ is a result that produces an unhappy labrador. The most common cause of an unhappy lab is your canine's unrealistic expectations before surgery. Avoiding unrealistic expectations requires careful and accurate communication between labrador and surgeon.

Can I afford this?

Labosuction™ is a relatively inexpensive procedure. Multiple financing options are available through AthleticLabs.